Emergency Locksmith Call out
If you're locked out, lost your keys or you're finding it hard to lock your door in Beddington and the local areas, our trusted and trained locksmiths are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to unlock your door and get you back into your property.
We supply install or replace locks, repair broken locks, replace uPVC door mechanism and often able to repair them. We assist bailiff on eviction process, only when court order has been issued. Add extra security to comply with insurance requirements, such as British Standard deadlocks.
All locksmith work is guaranteed with a 12 month manufacturers warranty on all parts and 90 days guarantee on all locksmith workmanship carried by our Locksmiths.
We also provide intercom, access control, CCTV and Intercom installation and repair services. Please contact our dedicated team on 020 3868 3684 with all your queries, free quotes and to book our specialist if you need urgent service.